Saturday, December 24, 2011

My Favourite Quote ;p

"Never explain yourself. Your friends don’t need it and your enemies won’t believe it"..

Saturday, December 17, 2011

One day at Pasir Risk Park

Seneng jg pilih2 foto dan mengkombinasikan dalam one page... ini salah satu foto kita waktu kita ke Pasir Ris Park, asik lho disini, waktu itu kita naik sepeda, main di pantainya, dan picnic deh disana..
Pasir Ris Park lebih tenang.. kalau dibanding dgn East Cost Park.., kalau kita mau yang gk crowded, mendingan kesini deh.., tp East Cost Park ya seru jg..suasananya jg lebih hidup, krn pengunjungnya lebih banyak..
, yg pasti parks di Singapore ini memang tertata rapi.., bersih, suasananya tenang dan adem, bener2 asik buat santai..

Andra, Olla & Ayah paling seneng ngabisin waktu ke taman2.., lebih Fun katanya !! I definitely agree with you, dears :).

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Botanical Garden - Singapore Nov'11

ini foto2 kita waktu awal Nov'11 lalu, bener2 pada seneng semua keBotanical Garden, disamping garden yg bener2 adem..., luasss..., dan kita pada seseruan disana. It was lovely day for us !!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Field Trip to the Zoo

Udah dari seminggu yang lalu (setiap hari) si Olla, my younger daughter Cheviolla Fathiya Rahman (Olla), ribut bilang sama saya mau ikut field trip ke Zoo, krn bbrp waktu lalu kakaknya, Diandra udah ke Zoo sama sekolahnya..., jd seperti biasa dia jg gk mau kalah..... 
tapi surat pemberitahuan dari sekolah Olla blm jg datang :

Olla : "I will going to the Zoo, you have to pay S$10 for it.
Me : How can I pay if I never read the information about it, when will you go ?
Olla : Teacher said that the letter hasn't ready yet, but pleaseeeeee pay S$ 10 so I can join the trip.
Me : Ok *but I'm still curious when the field trip will be*.

Tadi pagi saya kasih uang $10 ke Olla, untuk dibayar ke gurunya krn setiap malam dia tanya .."do you have $10 to pay my trip?" she asked... every night !!

dan.. pas saya sampai rumah tadi sore... dia udah heboh bilang... Ibu.. the field trip will be on 1st September, is it ok ?
OMG....She'll be missed the trip, because we will be in Jakarta on that day for Hari Raya. Slowly I explained to her that she won't join to the field trip because of the reason. A bit dissapointed but she agreed at the end (with the promising her for timezone, Kidzania, etc in Jakarta).

*maknya jadi kasian liat dia, udah kesenengan mau pergi, malah gk bisa ikut* gpp ya deeek.. :)

Saturday, August 20, 2011

2007 & 2011 Grow up Kiddos

So happy to see you grow up together.... Love each other as always... and I love you as always too.. -Ibu-

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Done !!

Finally, I finished to setup this blog, still have to learn more about it to get more improvement. Anyway, welcome to my blog. Please share anything and make us learn more and more about life, experiences & knowledges to make ourself better.

Regards from Bukit Panjang - Singapore.